Swym Admin Report

Created by Kshitija Srivastava, Modified on Mon, 16 Sep at 9:00 AM by Subham Choudhury


Welcome to the Wishlist Plus Application Metrics Overview!

In this document, you will find a comprehensive display of the key performance metrics for the Wishlist Plus application. This includes detailed insights into conversion metrics, revenue details, and other critical performance indicators. Whether you are looking to track user engagement, analyze purchasing trends, or evaluate the overall impact of the Wishlist Plus features on your business, this document will provide you with the necessary data to make informed decisions.

For opening the Swym admin to view reports you need to follow the below give steps - 

1. Open the app embed on Shopify

2. Click on the "View Reports" button

A. Wishlist Metrics

1. Wishlist Conversion Metrics

Metric Name



Revenue from Wishlist Plus

Revenue claimed via Wishlist Plus sessions + Revenue claimed via SFL sessions

The sum of order values of swym attributed orders which has app as Wishlist / SaveForLater

Swym AOV

Average of Order Value per order claimed from Wishlist Plus & SFL

(Total revenue claimed from logged-in & guest shoppers of Wishlist Plus) / 

No: of distinct orders claimed from Wishlist Plus & SFL sessions

Sent Alerts

Wishlist metrics + SFL metrics

Number of Wishlist Plus & SFL-related alerts that were sent

Clicked Alerts

Number of alerts out of the Sent Alerts that are clicked

Purchases From Alerts

Number of Clicked Alerts that lead to Orders

  1. Wishlist Engagement Metrics

Metric Name



Wishlist Actions

Wishlist Plus actions + SFL actions

The total number of actions performed by logged-in & guest shoppers via Wishlist Plus & SFL

Wishlist Reminders

Breakdown of the number of Alerts sent via Wishlist Plus & SFL among these notification types

Price Drop Alerts

Low stock alerts

Back in stock

Wishlist Shares

Wishlist Plus Sessions

Wishlist Plus sessions → No: of unique sessions via Swym

Site sessions → No: of unique site sessions

site session starts when a shopper enters a store for the first time and the session will be alive for 30mins or until the shopper logs out of the store (if they ever logged in).

Wishlist Plus sessions are the unique site sessions out of the Wishlist Plus actions performed by the shoppers.

Wishlisted Products

Wishlist products + SFL products

Total number of unique product variants that are added to Wishlist / SFL

Total Wishlist users

Total Wishlist Users + Total SFL Users

Number of unique logged-in shoppers who have added items to Wishlist / SFL

  1. Saved for later Metrics


Metric Name



Revenue from Save For Later

Revenue claimed via SFL sessions

The sum of order values of swym attributed orders which has app as SaveForLater

Saved for Later Actions


The total number of actions performed by logged-in & guest shoppers via SFL

Sent Alerts

SFL Sent Alerts

Number of Wishlist Plus related alerts that were sent

Clicked Alerts

SFL Clicked Alerts

Number of alerts out of the Sent Alerts that are clicked


SFL Purchases from Alerts

Number of Clicked Alerts that lead to Orders

  1. Shared Wishlist Metrics

Metric Name


Shared via Email

No: of lists that are shared via email

Shared via Social Media

Number of lists shared via twitter, facebook or copylink

B. Wishlist Activity Details

This page displays the list of recent Wishlist Plus & SFL activities. It contains all the Add to Wishlist / Add to SFL actions performed by logged-in & guest shoppers

Column Name


Product Image

Image of the product which is added to Wishlist / SFL

Product Title

Title of the product which is added to Wishlist / SFL



User Email

Contact info of the Shopper

List Name

Name of the Wishlist / SFL

Created Date

Date when the shopper added the product to the Wishlist / SFL


  • Date RangeApplied on the column Created Date,i.e.; list add date
  • Sort criteriaSorting is not allowed
  • Search CriteriaList shares can be filtered out based on the columns → User Email, SKU, variantid (epi), productid (empi) & Product Title

Search string format :

  • user:<user_email> or <user_email>
  • sku:<sku> or <sku>
  • variantid:<epi> or <epi>
  • productid:<empi> or <empi>
  • title:<product_title> or <product_title>

Download: A CSV file named WL activity.csv will be downloaded

  • Columns : Product Title, VariantKey1, VariantValue1, VariantKey2, VariantValue2, VariantKey3, VariantValue3, ProductID, VariantID, SKU, PageURL, UserEmail, ListName, CreatedDate
  • All the Wishlist / SFL activities in the selected DateRange will be returned ← No row limit applied

C. Shared Wishlist Details page

This page displays the list of recent Wishlist Plus & SFL list shares performed by logged-in & guest shoppers

Column Name


Possible Values

User Email

Contact info of the shopper who shared the list

List Name

Name of the Wishlist / SFL

Sharing Mode

Medium via which the list is shared

  • email

  • facebook

  • twitter

  • copylink

Shared Email

Contact info of the shopper who received the list

Created Date

Date when the list is shared


Date Range: Applied on the column Created Date,i.e.; list share date

Sort criteria: Sorting can be performed based on the column → Created Date

Search Criteria: List shares can be filtered out based on the column → User Email

                        Search string format → user:<user_email> or <user_email>

DownloadA CSV file named WL Shares.csv will be downloaded

ColumnsSharedFromEmailID, ShareMedium, SharedToEmailID, ListName, SharedDate

All the Wishlist / SFL shares in the selected DateRange will be returned ← No row limit applied

D. Swym Back in Stock Alerts Reports 

  1. Requested Alerts Metrics

Metric Name


Subscribed alerts

No: of BiS Alert subscriptions

Alert Subscribers

No: of unique shoppers who have made BiS Alert subscriptions

Alert Requested Products

No: of distinct product variants for which BiS alert subscriptions were made

        2. Swym BiS Alerts Conversion Metrics

Metric Name



Revenue from Swym BiS Alerts


The sum of order values of swym attributed orders which has app as Watchlist

Swym BiS Alerts AOV

Average of Order Value per order that is claimed from Swym BiS Alerts

(Total revenue claimed from logged-in & guest shoppers of Swym BiS Alerts) /
 No: of distinct orders claimed from Swym BiS sessions

Sent Alerts

BiS Sent Alerts

No: of BiS alerts that were sent

Clicked Alerts

BiS Clicked Alerts

No: of alerts out of the Sent Alerts that are clicked


BiS Purchases from Alerts

No: of Clicked Alerts that lead to Orders

Total Products


No: of distinct product variants for which BiS alerts were sent

Requested Alerts Details page

This page displays the list of the recent Back in Stock subscriptions made by shoppers

Column Name


Possible Values

Product Image

Image of the product for which the alert is sent


Product Title

Title of the product for which the alert is sent





Request Date

Date of BiS alert subscription


Email / Phone Number

Contact info of the subscriber



The status of the alert/event

  • Pending

  • Sent

Sent Date

Date when the alert/event is successfully sent



  • Date Range: Applied on the column Request Date,i.e.; date of BiS alert subscription
  • Sorting criteria: No sorting allowed
  • Search Criteria: List shares can be filtered out based on the columns → Email / Phone Number, SKU, variantid (epi), productid (empi), Product Title & Status. Search string format :
  • user:<medium_value> or <medium_value>
  • sku:<sku> or <sku>
  • variantid:<epi> or <epi>
  • productid:<empi> or <empi>
  • title:<product_title> or <product_title>
  • status:sent or status:pending
  • Download: A CSV file named BIS requests.csv will be downloaded
    • Columns: Product Title, VariantKey1, VariantValue1, VariantKey2, VariantValue2, VariantKey3, VariantValue3, ProductID, VariantID, SKU, PageURL, Channel, ContactInformation, RequestDate, AlertStatus, SentDate
    • All the BiS subscriptions in the selected DateRange will be returned ← No row limit applied

E. Sent Alert Details

Column Name


Possible Values

Product Image

Image of the product for which alert is sent


Product Title

Title of the product for which alert is sent





Alert Type

The type of alert / event that is sent

  • lowstock

  • addedtowishlist

  • backinstock

  • comingsoon

  • pricedrop

  • emailmyfaves

  • authemail

  • wishtrending

  • backinstockReminder

  • bispa-ack

  • addedtosfl

  • sfl-backinstock

  • sfl-pricedrop

  • sfl-lowstock

  • sfl-list-share


The medium through which the alert / event is sent

  • email

  • sms

  • event (data integration)

Email / Phone number

Contact info of the subscriber


App name



Sent Date

Date when the alert / event is successfully sent or got errored out / blocked depending upon its status



The status of the alert / event

  • Sent

  • Error

  • Blocked


The sent alerts that were clicked by shoppers

  • Yes

  • No


The clicked alerts that lead to purchases

  • Yes

  • No


The revenue claimed from these Purchases



  • Date Range: Applied on the column Sent Date,i.e.; the date when the alert/event is successfully sent or got errored out / blocked depending upon its status

  • Sorting criteria: No sorting allowed

  • Search Criteria: Sent Alerts can be filtered out based on the columns → Email / Phone Number, SKU, variantid (epi), productid (empi) & Product Title

    • Search string format :

      • user:<medium_value> or <medium_value>

      • sku:<sku> or <sku>

      • variantid:<epi> or <epi>

      • productid:<empi> or <empi>

      • title:<product_title> or <product_title>

  • Download: A CSV file named Sent alerts details.csv will be downloaded

    • Columns: Product Title, VariantKey1, VariantValue1, VariantKey2, VariantValue2, VariantKey3, VariantValue3, ProductID, VariantID, SKU, PageURL, AlertType, Channel, ContactInformation, App Name, SentDate, ClickFromAlert, Purchases, Revenue

    • All the alerts/events (that are either successfully sent or got errored out / blocked) in the selected DateRange will be returned ← No row limit applied

F. Product Page

  • This page displays the list of products/product variants based on the grouping selected by the merchant. The product/product variant should have at least one wishlist action or subscription or sent alert/event or order to be displayed on this page.

            Two types of grouping are available for this page :

  • Variant-wise

    • All metrics are specific to that product variant

    • Send Swym BiS Alerts available → Back in Stock Alerts get sent for that specific product variant

  • Product wise

    • All metrics are specific to the master product

    • Send Swym BiS Alerts not available

Column Name


Product Image

Image of the product variant

Product Title

Title of the product variant




Current stock quantity for that product variant

Last Update

Date-Time when the details of the product is last updated

Sent Alerts

No: of alerts/events sent for that product variant

Wishlist Actions

No: of wishlist actions performed on that product variant


No: of Back in Stock alert subscriptions for that product variant


Swym attributed Revenue claimed from that product variant → Only available for variant-wise grouping


Send Swym BiS Alerts button → Only available for variant-wise grouping


  • Date Range: Applied on the columns → Subscriptions, Wishlist Actions, Sent Alerts & Revenue

  • Sorting criteria: Sorting can be done on the columns → Wishlist Actions + Subscriptions (default), Wishlist Actions, Subscriptions, Sent Alerts

  • Grouping criteria: variant / product

  • Search Criteria: Products / Product variants can be filtered out based on the columns → SKU, variantid (epi), productid (empi) & Product Title

    • Search string format :

      • sku:<sku> or <sku>

      • variantid:<epi> or <epi>

      • productid:<empi> or <empi>

      • title:<product_title> or <product_title>

  • Download: A CSV file named Product.csv will be downloaded

    • Columns: Product Title, VariantKey1, VariantValue1, VariantKey2, VariantValue2, VariantKey3, VariantValue3, ProductID, VariantID, SKU, PageURL, SentAlerts, WishlistActions, Subscriptions, Revenue, Inventory, LastUpdateDate

    • All the Products / Product Variants (with any one Swym action/order) in the selected DateRange will be returned based on the grouping selected ← No row limit applied

G. Pending Alerts

Column Name


Choose Product

Checkbox to select the product variant

Product Image

Image of the product variant

Product Title

Title of the product variant




Current stock quantity for the product variant

Last Update

Date-Time when the details of the product is last updated

Sent Alerts

No: of alerts / events sent for the product variant


No: of Back in Stock alert subscriptions for the product variant


Swym attributed Revenue claimed from the product variant → Only available for variant-wise grouping


  • Date Range: Applied on the columns → Subscriptions, Wishlist Actions, Sent Alerts & Revenue

  • Sorting criteria: Sorting can be done on the columns → Subscriptions (default), Sent Alerts

  • Grouping criteria: Only variant

  • Search Criteria : Pending Alerts can be filtered out based on the columns → SKU, variantid (epi), productid (empi) & Product Title

    • Search string format :

      • sku:<sku> or <sku>

      • variantid:<epi> or <epi>

      • productid:<empi> or <empi>

      • title:<product_title> or <product_title>

  • Download: A CSV file named PendingAlerts.csv will get downloaded

    • Columns: Product Title, VariantKey1, VariantValue1, VariantKey2, VariantValue2, VariantKey3, VariantValue3, ProductID, VariantID, SKU, PageURL, AlertStatus, SentAlerts, WishlistActions, Subscriptions, Revenue, Inventory, LastUpdateDate

    • All the Pending alerts in the selected DateRange will be returned ← No row limit applied

H. Purchase

There is a dropdown available on top which enables you to choose any one of the following options : 

Swym Purchase Contribution → The APIs consider Purchases through all Swym sessions

Wishlist Plus Contribution →  The APIs consider Purchases through Wishlist Plus app sessions alone

Swym Back in Stock Alerts Contribution → The APIs consider Purchases through Swym BiS Alerts app sessions alone

Metric Name




Swym Revenue Contribution


Revenue claimed from purchases through Swym sessions

The sum of order values of swym attributed orders


Total revenue of the Store

The sum of order values of total Site orders

Swym Average Order Value


AOV of orders through Swym

(Total revenue claimed via Swym app sessions from logged-in & guest shoppers) /
 (Number of distinct orders claimed from Swym app sessions)


AOV of total Store orders

(Total revenue of Store) / (No: of distinct Store orders)

Orders Through Swym


No. of orders from Swym sessions

No: of distinct orders claimed from Swym app sessions


Total no: of Site orders

No: of distinct Site orders

Swym items per order


Average no: of items per order through Swym

(No: of distinct order items via Swym app sessions) / (No: of distinct orders claimed from Swym app sessions)


Average number of items per Site order

(Total number of distinct order items in Store orders) / (Total no: of distinct Store orders)

Swym Conversion Rate


Swym sessions that lead to purchases

(Number of Swym attributed orders) / (Number of Swym sessions)


Site sessions that lead to purchases

(Total number of Site orders) / (Total no: of Site sessions)

Swym Revenue Contribution


Percentage of Swym attributed revenue in the total Store revenue

(Revenue claimed by Swym) / (Total Store revenue)

Swym Order Contribution


No: of Swym orders out of all Store orders

(No: of Swym attributed orders) / (Total no: of Site orders)

Revenue Contribution


Save for later purchases (Only available for SFL enabled stores)

Revenue claimed by Swym via Save For Later sessions


No: of orders via Save For Later sessions

Purchase Details section

This section displays the list of purchases made by shoppers through Swym sessions on that date range.

Column Name


Possible Values

Product Image

Image of the product that is purchased


Product Title

Title of the product that is purchased





Email / Phone Number

Contact info of the shopper


Order Mode

The Swym app/feature which leads to the order

  • Wishlist Plus

  • Swym BiS Alerts

  • Save For Later

Order Value

The value of that product in the order


Created Date

Date when the product is purchased



  • Date Range: Applied on the column Created Date ,i.e.; date when the product is purchased

  • Sorting criteria: Sorting can be performed on the following columns → Created Date (default), Product Title, Order Value

  • Search Criteria: List shares can be filtered out based on the columns → Email / Phone Number, SKU, variantid (epi), productid (empi) & Product Title

    • Search string format :

      • user:<medium_value> or <medium_value>

      • sku:<sku> or <sku>

      • variantid:<epi> or <epi>

      • productid:<empi> or <empi>

      • title:<product_title> or <product_title>

  • Download: A CSV file named Purchases.csv will be downloaded

    • Columns: Product Title, VariantKey1, VariantValue1, VariantKey2, VariantValue2, VariantKey3, ProductID, VariantID, SKU, PageURL, OrderID, UserEmail, OrderMode, OrderValue, PurchaseDate

    • All the purchases that are claimed by Swym in the selected DateRange will be returned ← No row limit applied

I. Marketing List Opt-ins


            Marketing List Opt-ins Metrics

Metric Name


Email Capture

No: of email IDs captured by Swym

Phone number capture

No: of phone numbers captured by Swym

Added to Marketing List

No: of shoppers who’ve opted for marketing emails/sms

Wishlist Plus

No: of email id/phone number captures via Wishlist Reminder

Swym BiS Alerts

No: of email id/phone number captures via BiS Subscription Form

                Marketing List Opt-ins Details

This section displays the list of the email-ids / phone numbers captured by Swym via Wishlist Reminder / BiS Subscription form.

Column Name


Possible Values

Email / Phone Number

Contact info of the shopper


Capture Source

the source via which the shopper’s contact info is captured

  • BiS Subscription

  • Wishlist Reminder

Added To Marketing List

If the shopper has opted for marketing emails/sms or not

  • Yes

  • No

Capture Date

Date when the shopper’s contact info is captured



  • Date Range: Applied on the column Capture Date,i.e.; the date when the shopper’s contact info is captured

  • Sorting criteria: Sorting can be performed on the column, Capture Date

  • Search Criteria: List shares can be filtered out based on the columns → Email / Phone Number

    • Search string format :

      • user:<medium_value> or <medium_value>

  • Download: A CSV file named Opt-Ins.csv will be downloaded

    • Columns: Email/Phone Number, CaptureSource, AddedToMailingList, CaptureDate

    • All the Pending alerts in the selected DateRange will be returned ← No row limit applied

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